So, I have been slack with posts. This is true - life has taken over and time on here just hasn't mattered to me.
The last month has been a roller coaster and a half and now, while the dust begins to settle, I feel that I can get back to this and put some more time in.
Now, I have taken a new direction with my life - my goals. Yes, the stage is still there, and I will get back up on there as well, but it won't be for a few more months, so in the meantime, I'm focusing on bringing my focus back to ME.
That is why I haven't changed the name - this whole journey is still part of my journey to the stage - to present the best possible package that I can on the day, and everything I do, on everyday that I eat and train (which, let's face it - is basically everyday of every week) is all working for or against my dream to hit the stage one more time (at least!)
Now, after I came off the comp last time - I lost and complete control of myself, my diet, my life. Sure, work and my relationship with my man has been great, but anything relating to me and my body, well that went a little cuckoo!!
I made the decision to do another comp - I bombed out, believing that I wasn't in a great space health wise to do it. Really, I just wasn't ready for it again. My body needed a break, and that's what I've given it.
Progressively, over the last few months, my training didn't quite go in the direction I wanted it to - i started getting slower in the WODs, less endurence, stamina and speed, but yet my strength was sky rocketing. Of course it was! That was my strength - strength has ALWAYS been my strength. Its something that I could control, and continue to build from - so I did just that.
However, 4 weeks ago I hit a snag - I had an injury whilst training which partially tore the lateral ligaments in my ankle - and thanks to this little set back, I have pretty much done almost nothing for the last 4 weeks, except a little swimming and upper body strength work.
When the injury hit, and got pissed off with myself - and turned to food. Junk food galore. But then after a while I was noticing that I was feeling less and less interested in the junk - it wasn't making me feel better - it was making me feel worse!! My stomach was aching, my heart beat raced a mile a minute as soon as that sugar hit my blood stream, and I would wake up the next day feeling like death. Not the way I want to live, or they way I want to feel. So I decided to go and do The Whole 30.
The Whole 30 challenge
I had always read about this program, being a subscriber for the last 2 years, I kept on hearing about these people putting a reset button on themselves and completely cleansing their bodies of all crap, impurities, additives, flavourings and sweeteners - including no dairy, grains (I was already off this, except for my junk nights) legumes, sugar of ALL kinds (including honey, agave, sweeteners and artificial flavourings) - basically nothing processed (including protein bars/ vice).
What you can eat? Meat, meat and more meat to your heart's content, fat GLORIOUS FAT!! As well as veges, fruits, nuts, seeds, coffee and water...just as nature intended for us!!
So the verdict so far - AMAZING!!
I have been doing this for the last 12 days (and counting) and already I feel like I'm a changed woman.
My mind set has totally changed. Sure, there's been moments where I've suddenly had an overwhelming desire to smash a packet of gummy lollies, but then I take a moment, think about what I will feel like after its all said and done, and know that I won't enjoy it, I will feel revolting afterwards, and that short burst of sugar rush won't make up for the hours of feeling like i want to die and rip my insides out!!
Plus, I have suddenly the discovered the world of Paleo cooking!! I never really hit that zone before, as when I went Paleo in the first instance (a couple of years ago) I was living in a unit with a kitchen that you could barely cut a steak up on, let alone cook a whole meal. So I always went for the easy option.
But now, I'm excited about using coconut flour to make paleo treats, to 'crumb' my chicken rather than using yucky glutenous ingredients that will just make me blow up like a balloon!! To put coconut milk over berries (my new found treat for myself)
and of course there's bacon...where were you all my life? I thought bacon was only reserved for the special occasion, on weekends at brunch. Oh no, no, has become a staple in my diet now - don't know what I ever did without it!!
The most amazing thing to me, that has REALLY opened my eyes, is the fact that I've barely been training, and yet I'm noting changes. Not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. My body feels cleansed - I'm not TRYING to lose weight, I'm putting a big fat reset button (filled with bacon!!) on me and I'm feeling amazing, and this is without training. I've always known that when it comes to losing weight or getting you body fat down, the main factor was always diet - but I tried to kid myself. I thought, because I was always training so hard, that extra bit of chocolate, or those lollies or ice cream didn't really matter. But it did, and my body was crying out for me to stop it. Now i know, now I can feel the difference, and I'm not counting calories, i'm not measuring incessantly - I'm eating when I'm hungry, and not eating when I'm not hungry - and i feel great!!
I'll continue to post my progress and what I'm eating from next week on, to give you all an idea as to the types of food that I eat. I'll just say that my diet is heavily ketogenic, and i eat a BUTT load of fat from various different sources. Looking forward to seeing what the next 2 week bring - this has definitely becoem a lifestyle for me. More so than ever before. I don't feel like I HAVE to do this, I WANT to do it. It's a big difference, and I think it will change my life, and the way i live and look after my body forever.